welcome to questions & answers


All FEDEMAC EVENTS ticket prices can be found under the section "ACCESS PASS"

 where can I register?

Official registration for FEDEMAC EVENTS 2024 is closed!

Can I see who is already registered?

YES! You can find registered participants by following the link: www.fedemac.events/tickets/registered-participants
The registration is open until March 2024; the list will be updated frequently. 

tell me more about events newsletters..

You are welcome to subscribe to events newsletters, please follow the link, insert your contact details and await the news from us in your inbox!  CLICK HERE to subscribe

FEDEMAC EVENTS 2024 Newsletter Archive:
Newsletter vol.1
Newsletter vol.2
Newsletter vol.3
Newsletter vol.4
Newsletter vol.5
Newsletter vol.6


Dive into the highlights of EVENTS 2023 in the great city of Tallinn, Estonia, supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Enterprise Estonia! Aitäh! (More about EAS Support HERE)

Also, you are welcome to see the history of YMC events:
YMC 2022 Dublin
YMC 2019 Bucharest
YMC 2018 Brussels
YMC 2017 Riga
YMC 2016 Madrid
YMC 2015 Sofia
YMC 2014 London

 important information about tickets & registration:

  1. Confirmation of Registration: Your registration is officially confirmed only after you receive a confirmation e-mail from FEDEMAC EVENTS. Submission of an application does not grant the attendance.
  2. Terms & Conditions: We advise all potential sponsors to read the full terms and conditions and privacy policy before proceeding.


  1. First-Come, First-Serve Basis: Sponsorship opportunities are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Secure your spot early to avoid missing out.
  2. Confirmation of Sponsorship: Your sponsorship is officially confirmed only after you receive a confirmation e-mail from FEDEMAC EVENTS. Submission of an application does not grant the sponsorship.
  3. Detailed Sponsor Packages: For a comprehensive breakdown of what each package offers, click here to view all sponsorship packages.
  4. Terms & Conditions: We advise all potential sponsors to read the full terms and conditions and privacy policy before proceeding.

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